Collect recipe cards curated by renowned chef Rhys Hannon, featuring standout producers from Launceston’s award-winning farmers market. These cards will guide you through selecting and preparing the freshest produce to create delicious dishes at home.

Chef Rhys Hannon, Harvest Market's Manager and Resident Chef, brings a wealth of experience to this journey. With over 20 years in Tasmania’s hospitality scene, Rhys has worn many hats—restauranteur, chef, business graduate, and more. His diverse background also includes creative consulting and a deep passion for local food.

Through this cooking journey, Rhys aims to share his passion for local produce and culinary creativity, allowing you to experience the best of what Launceston has to offer right in your own kitchen.
Discover the flavours of Tasmania and enhance your cooking skills with guidance from one of the region’s most dedicated food professionals.

Free events are open to everyone and with a range of entertainment. While there’s no obligation to purchase food, it’s available if you choose. Just show up and enjoy!

Information & Ticketing


  • 19 October 2024   |   8:30am - 12:30pm


  • Harvest Market
    71 Cimitiere Street
    Launceston TAS 7250